Up to You


The Malta Health Network, proudly presents the new leaflets produced through the Small Initiatives Support fund (SIS fund) 2024. This is a follow-up to the Videos produced by the VOPs project To be seen and to be heard.

This leaflet gives easy information about Self-Management, Patient Empowerment and Professional-Patient Communication. Free copies of this leaflet can be either downloaded from the pdf versions below in English and/or Maltese. Hard copies can also be requested freely by sending an email to info@maltahealthnetwork.org giving your name and address and number of copies desired (maximum 10 copies).

The ‘Up to you’ Project has been funded by the Small Initiatives Support Scheme (SIS) managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector (MCVS) supported by the Ministry for Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector (MIV).

The project has been also supported by these sponsors: Pfizer, Ganado advocates and Brown’s pharma.

One can access the link to the booklet here: Booklet MHN English


Il-Malta Health Network, tippreżenta l-kotba ġodda li ġew prodotti mil-fond Small Initiatives Support fund (SIS fund) 2024. Dan il-ktejjeb huwa t-tieni fażi tal-videos li għamilna permezz tal-proġett VOPs To be seen and to be heard.

Dan il-ktejjeb jagħti informazzjoni faċli u ħafifa fuq l-immaniġjar tal-kundizzjoni tiegħek stess, is-setgħa lill-pazjent kif ukoll l-importanza tal-komunikazzjoni bejn il-pazjent u l-professjonist. Koppji b’xejn ta’ dan il-ktejjeb jistgħu jinkisbu jew billi jiġu mniżla pdf mil-link hawn taħt bil-Malti kif ukoll bl-Ingliż, jew inkella billi wieħed jibgħat email fuq info@maltahealthnetwork.org.  Ibgħatilna d-dettalji tiegħek, isem u indirizz u kemm għandek bżonn kopji (massimu ta’ 10 kopji). Dan kollu nibgħatuh b’xejn lilkhom permezz tal-posta.

Il-proġett ‘Up To You’ ġie ffinanzjat mis- Small Initiatives Support Scheme (SIS), immaniġjata mill-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat appoġjat mill-Ministeru għall-Inklużjoni u s-Settur tal-Volontarjat.

Dan il-proġett kien ukoll possibli permezz tal-sponsors ta: Brown’s Pharma, Ganado Advocates u Pfizer.

Wieħed jista jaċċesa il- ktejjeb pdf permezz ta’ din il- link: Booklet MHN Maltese


SIS A1.20.24: leaflet launch

10th January 2025

On the 10 th January 2025 MHN launched the SIS project booklet and also launched the Tony Guillauimier awards to its member organisations. For this event a representative from our member organisations  was invited and also representatives of MCVS, Hon. Graziella Galea and also Profs Serracino Inglott. This event was held at Life Sciences Park.

One can also find the pdf version of this leaflet both in Maltese and English version.

Link to booklet in Maltese and English:

Booklet MHN Maltese

Booklet MHN English